...is a little weird, sure. But have you ever met a family that was over the moon from finding 57 cents? It's a bit refreshing. Welcome to life with the Steins!
Actually, to be more exact, we found 56 and 3/4 cents. Literally...one of the pennies my mom spied in the gutter was only partially there. Poor Abe got a nose job I'm not sure he wanted...but his misfortune gave us a thrill. (Twisted aren't we?!).
Besides the mangled penny, we scored six other pennies, a nickle, two dimes and a quarter. That's right...a quarter! And as you may know by now...that's a red letter day in the world of penny finding!
So, this is how the Stein Family kicked off our holiday season. A walk to my work's pre-Christmas happy hour full of pennies, nickles, and quarters...oh, my! All in a day's work for a penny collector! And for an entire FAMILY of penny collectors...well...time together is the real prize, but the pennies are so exciting!
A Word on Holiday Shopping...
My friend Elizabeth has a few words on just where you should do your holiday shopping if you're hopping to pick up more than a gift card and some new socks
From Elizabeth:
Ok, this weekend we found 1 quarter and 1 penny in Target and 3 pennies in Wal-Mart. Moral of the story...shop in Target.
I couldn't agree more. Of course if you really want to be in the spirit of finding change...may I suggest J.C. Penney (for obvious reasons!)
From Elizabeth:
Ok, this weekend we found 1 quarter and 1 penny in Target and 3 pennies in Wal-Mart. Moral of the story...shop in Target.
I couldn't agree more. Of course if you really want to be in the spirit of finding change...may I suggest J.C. Penney (for obvious reasons!)
I'll Take a Mojito...And All the Change in That Man's Pocket!
This penny project has sharpened my "Spidey Senses" to ridiculous heights. I've always had 20/20 vision and pretty good hearing...but suddenly I can see a penny from 2 blocks away and although I couldn't determine exactly what a pin dropping sounds like, I can hear a penny hit the floor from across a crowded room. Not that this is a good gift, since my desire to add pennies to the spreadsheet combined w/ my new found talent for hearing coins hit the ground causes me to occasionally do something a little crazy. Take the other night for instance.
I was on a business trip to Florida, enjoying a tasty mojito in the lobby bar of Disney's Yacht Club. Two of my friends had taken some time off of work to join me on the trip and we had linked up with some fun conference attendees, including a friend of mine from DC I was pleasantly surprised to see at the opening night reception! So there we were, enjoying a few drinks (number ? of many that evening) when the sound I love to hear hit my ear...change a jinglin' as it hits the floor! I quickly looked around to see where the change had landed and if it was clear for a pick-up.
Now this is where the mojito(s) must've kicked in and overtaken my good sense because I didn't stay in my seat when I saw that the change had fallen out of a man's pocket (a well-dressed, distinguished man, if I recall...although I was so focused on the dime and 3 pennies I can't say for sure) and landed practically under his chair. No, no. I popped up out of my seat and bee-lined for the table where the man and his friends were sitting. I promptly told him my friends and I were collecting change we find on the ground for charity. He scoffed and said, I'll bet...the charity's probably you. I assured him it was not and that there was a spreadsheet involved (I don't know why I think that will assure people instead of scare them). He shrugged his shoulders, told me to help himself...and then scooped another 7 cents out of his pocket onto the floor (which, for those of you questioning whether or not that should count, went in the "donations column" because clearly, at that point the man just wanted to give a little more to the cause!
So there it is...my Disney find such as it was. Oh, and I picked up a nickel in the MGM Studios park too, so I was good for about a quarter in Florida! And I only scared a few bar patrons instead of my usual bus full of people. I consider that a pretty good trip!
I was on a business trip to Florida, enjoying a tasty mojito in the lobby bar of Disney's Yacht Club. Two of my friends had taken some time off of work to join me on the trip and we had linked up with some fun conference attendees, including a friend of mine from DC I was pleasantly surprised to see at the opening night reception! So there we were, enjoying a few drinks (number ? of many that evening) when the sound I love to hear hit my ear...change a jinglin' as it hits the floor! I quickly looked around to see where the change had landed and if it was clear for a pick-up.
Now this is where the mojito(s) must've kicked in and overtaken my good sense because I didn't stay in my seat when I saw that the change had fallen out of a man's pocket (a well-dressed, distinguished man, if I recall...although I was so focused on the dime and 3 pennies I can't say for sure) and landed practically under his chair. No, no. I popped up out of my seat and bee-lined for the table where the man and his friends were sitting. I promptly told him my friends and I were collecting change we find on the ground for charity. He scoffed and said, I'll bet...the charity's probably you. I assured him it was not and that there was a spreadsheet involved (I don't know why I think that will assure people instead of scare them). He shrugged his shoulders, told me to help himself...and then scooped another 7 cents out of his pocket onto the floor (which, for those of you questioning whether or not that should count, went in the "donations column" because clearly, at that point the man just wanted to give a little more to the cause!
So there it is...my Disney find such as it was. Oh, and I picked up a nickel in the MGM Studios park too, so I was good for about a quarter in Florida! And I only scared a few bar patrons instead of my usual bus full of people. I consider that a pretty good trip!
The Return of "Tim the Poet"
Ah, more poetry. In a message titled "Tennyson (Sort of)" I got another jewel of poetry from "Tim."
From the daily walks, I do not relent,
On that errand I am daily sent,
When the wind blows, I'm often bent,
A good thing because I found another cent.
Father. Poet. Inventor of Pizza Rolls. He is "Tim."
From the daily walks, I do not relent,
On that errand I am daily sent,
When the wind blows, I'm often bent,
A good thing because I found another cent.
Father. Poet. Inventor of Pizza Rolls. He is "Tim."
Pennies from Heaven...or the 2nd Row!
The Penny Blog's not just for me & my friends (who support me so I don't come across as a TOTALLY crazy person) anymore...we went public at a comedy show a few weeks ago!
Yes, it's true. We became an integral part of the Upright Citizens Brigade show at the Arlington Draft House on November 9th. I shamelessly jumped around like a complete idiot (in my pink striped rain boots, no less) to ensure I made it on stage so the 2nd half of the show would be based on whatever foolishness I could think to tell these people about myself during the on stage interview.
I didn't start off with the penny story right away. That might have made me look a little nuts. Instead I led with, "My dad invented pizza rolls."
Uh, what? These people didn't quite know where I was coming from with this. Had they just invited Ms. Totino on the stage? Could my dad possibly be the true inventor of pizza rolls? I had to explain!
It turns out that one of my dates from match.com actually came up with the theory that we should change my dad's official title from "Tim the Penny Collector" to "Tim--Inventor of Pizza Rolls." It all started when I told him that in the 70's my dad had entered the Pillsbury bake off by mistake. Actually, it wasn't so much by mistake as it was on a fluke. With a recipe he'd never actually made.
"Tim" was at my grandma's house, who was getting ready to enter one of her own recipes into the bake off. She asked if he'd like her to send in one on his behalf. Without giving it much thought he said, "Yeah. What if you put some marinara sauce, cheese & pepperoni on one of those crescent rolls, wrapped it up and baked it?" So she jotted down the spontaneous concoction and off it went in the mail.
Well...sure enough the folks at Pillsbury saw the genius in it all and picked his recipe as one of the 100 to be made at the official bake-off. My mother was slightly less thrilled than he was because she had to be his guinea pig as he perfected his yet-to-actually-be-baked crescent pizzas. Morning, noon, and night she was eating variations of his new concoction until she felt she might actually bleed marinara sauce if someone sliced into her.
So, a few weeks later my dad and 99 women prepared to "start their ovens" and make their recipes for the bake-off. While my dad was not the overall winner, he did bring home a sweet 1970s microwave (I'm pretty sure we had that sucker well into the 90's) and the memories of the rally cry, "Ladies...and "Tim"...start your ovens!"
Alright...that brings me back to my date. After he heard that story he just looked at me and said, "Oh my God...your dad invented pizza rolls!" And what could I do but agree?!
Ok, so after I wowed the improv comics with my dad's pizza roll adventures (and they asked me to thank him for satisfying years of munchies), I moved on to the penny story. Of course, I don't need to restate that story here because if you're reading this...chances are you've heard it more times than you care to count! But I will add that I must've entertained & amused the audience with the penny tale (or at least inspired them to give a small amount to charity) since at one point it rained pennies from somewhere in the 2nd row! Sure...it was only 3 cents...but it's going on the spreadsheet!
Yes, it's true. We became an integral part of the Upright Citizens Brigade show at the Arlington Draft House on November 9th. I shamelessly jumped around like a complete idiot (in my pink striped rain boots, no less) to ensure I made it on stage so the 2nd half of the show would be based on whatever foolishness I could think to tell these people about myself during the on stage interview.
I didn't start off with the penny story right away. That might have made me look a little nuts. Instead I led with, "My dad invented pizza rolls."
Uh, what? These people didn't quite know where I was coming from with this. Had they just invited Ms. Totino on the stage? Could my dad possibly be the true inventor of pizza rolls? I had to explain!
It turns out that one of my dates from match.com actually came up with the theory that we should change my dad's official title from "Tim the Penny Collector" to "Tim--Inventor of Pizza Rolls." It all started when I told him that in the 70's my dad had entered the Pillsbury bake off by mistake. Actually, it wasn't so much by mistake as it was on a fluke. With a recipe he'd never actually made.
"Tim" was at my grandma's house, who was getting ready to enter one of her own recipes into the bake off. She asked if he'd like her to send in one on his behalf. Without giving it much thought he said, "Yeah. What if you put some marinara sauce, cheese & pepperoni on one of those crescent rolls, wrapped it up and baked it?" So she jotted down the spontaneous concoction and off it went in the mail.
Well...sure enough the folks at Pillsbury saw the genius in it all and picked his recipe as one of the 100 to be made at the official bake-off. My mother was slightly less thrilled than he was because she had to be his guinea pig as he perfected his yet-to-actually-be-baked crescent pizzas. Morning, noon, and night she was eating variations of his new concoction until she felt she might actually bleed marinara sauce if someone sliced into her.
So, a few weeks later my dad and 99 women prepared to "start their ovens" and make their recipes for the bake-off. While my dad was not the overall winner, he did bring home a sweet 1970s microwave (I'm pretty sure we had that sucker well into the 90's) and the memories of the rally cry, "Ladies...and "Tim"...start your ovens!"
Alright...that brings me back to my date. After he heard that story he just looked at me and said, "Oh my God...your dad invented pizza rolls!" And what could I do but agree?!
Ok, so after I wowed the improv comics with my dad's pizza roll adventures (and they asked me to thank him for satisfying years of munchies), I moved on to the penny story. Of course, I don't need to restate that story here because if you're reading this...chances are you've heard it more times than you care to count! But I will add that I must've entertained & amused the audience with the penny tale (or at least inspired them to give a small amount to charity) since at one point it rained pennies from somewhere in the 2nd row! Sure...it was only 3 cents...but it's going on the spreadsheet!
Go Play in Traffic...You might find pennies!
It was not just a good penny day...but a ridiculously good penny day today. I found 15 pennies and...A QUARTER on my way to & from work.
It was exciting to have that many individual sightings. But for a moment, I thought perhaps someone was playing a joke on me. My friends have been known to throw pennies on the trail while we are hiking to test my penny prowess (I failed miserably...but who is on the lookout for change while rock scrambling on the Billy Goat Trail?! I'm good, but even pros need a day off now & then!). And all of these pennies, or at least a good portion of them (and the quarter too) were in the middle of the street! And I'm not talking about a crosswalk here...I mean smack dab in the center of traffic!
The first one wasn't too far from the curb. I thought conceivably a guy had dropped some change while shuffling in his pockets to get quarters for the meter. But the next one, a few blocks later, was considerably further from the curb...out beyond the driver's side door. What happened there. Perhaps a lover's quarrel that led to pennies being tossed in anger, "You cheat...I never want to see you again. Take that! (Insert a meanly tossed penny here)."
The best part was that I'd seen the second penny and was about to step in the street to pick it up when I realized a guy was trying to park his car in that space. So did I abandon the penny and move on like a normal person? I'm writing a blog about pennies...what do you think?! Of course not! I went around the front of the car as the driver got the vehicle settled in its cozy new spot and bent over to pick up the coin. I was right where the guy would have to open his door to get out and it occurred to me...this might look a little odd. So what do I do? I grab the penny and then show it to the driver as if to say, "I'm not trying to carjack you...I just wanted this penny." The look on his face said he would have thought I was more sane if I was indeed carjacking him. A little embarrassing? Yes. Would I do it again? Absolutely. I love my pennies!
Finally, as I continued down 17th Street, still amazed by the brick gutters I'd discovered a few days earlier (why so fancy...they're gutters?!) I saw the quarter in the middle of the road! Has jaywalking gotten that bad? People can't be bothered to go one measly block to cross legally? Although I suppose I'm no better...darting into traffic for a quarter.
So, my day concluded with a total of 40 cents, most of which was found as I risked life and limb in the pursuit of stray coins. But hey...40 cents is a damn good showing for a single day! And although my mother did teach me not to play in traffic, I somehow think she would have approved of my forays into the street today (especially since she's got 43 cents of her own on the spreadsheet!).
It was exciting to have that many individual sightings. But for a moment, I thought perhaps someone was playing a joke on me. My friends have been known to throw pennies on the trail while we are hiking to test my penny prowess (I failed miserably...but who is on the lookout for change while rock scrambling on the Billy Goat Trail?! I'm good, but even pros need a day off now & then!). And all of these pennies, or at least a good portion of them (and the quarter too) were in the middle of the street! And I'm not talking about a crosswalk here...I mean smack dab in the center of traffic!
The first one wasn't too far from the curb. I thought conceivably a guy had dropped some change while shuffling in his pockets to get quarters for the meter. But the next one, a few blocks later, was considerably further from the curb...out beyond the driver's side door. What happened there. Perhaps a lover's quarrel that led to pennies being tossed in anger, "You cheat...I never want to see you again. Take that! (Insert a meanly tossed penny here)."
The best part was that I'd seen the second penny and was about to step in the street to pick it up when I realized a guy was trying to park his car in that space. So did I abandon the penny and move on like a normal person? I'm writing a blog about pennies...what do you think?! Of course not! I went around the front of the car as the driver got the vehicle settled in its cozy new spot and bent over to pick up the coin. I was right where the guy would have to open his door to get out and it occurred to me...this might look a little odd. So what do I do? I grab the penny and then show it to the driver as if to say, "I'm not trying to carjack you...I just wanted this penny." The look on his face said he would have thought I was more sane if I was indeed carjacking him. A little embarrassing? Yes. Would I do it again? Absolutely. I love my pennies!
Finally, as I continued down 17th Street, still amazed by the brick gutters I'd discovered a few days earlier (why so fancy...they're gutters?!) I saw the quarter in the middle of the road! Has jaywalking gotten that bad? People can't be bothered to go one measly block to cross legally? Although I suppose I'm no better...darting into traffic for a quarter.
So, my day concluded with a total of 40 cents, most of which was found as I risked life and limb in the pursuit of stray coins. But hey...40 cents is a damn good showing for a single day! And although my mother did teach me not to play in traffic, I somehow think she would have approved of my forays into the street today (especially since she's got 43 cents of her own on the spreadsheet!).
Get your own!
There I was, strolling down the street after an average Tuesday on my way to visit my friend Eric where he tends bar. As always...I was on the lookout for pennies en route to my final destination. Now that we're out of daylight savings time and it starts getting dark at 2:30 in the afternoon, I was strolling down the sidewalk in the pitch black. Much tougher to see pennies under these conditions...but then a glint caught my eye. Actually...two glints.
There they were in the gutter...two shiny pennies (and at this moment I suddenly realized our gutters are made of brick here in DC. Who knew!?). So of course, I jumped into the gutter immediately to pick them up. And once in the gutter (which was actually more enjoyable once I realized they were brick...so fancy!), I realized there were two more pennies! And then...I saw two more...and two more...until I found a total of NINE pennies. Fantastic! I was in heaven.
But then, as I climbed out of the gutter (looking quite impressive, I'm sure with my knit gloves covered in dried leaves and trash), a funny thing happened. The bum on the corner, who I see on that corner at least three days a week, asked me if I had any spare change.
I had an entire monologue in my head that went a little something like this, "You lazy...are you kidding me?! You probably stood on this corner staring right at those pennies for the last two hours and just waited for someone to walk by and pick them up so you could ask if they had any spare change. Seriously!"
But I decided going off on a poor beggar wouldn't be right. And since Christmas is just around the corner, I do want to stay on Santa's 'Nice' list. So, with a pleasant smile, I looked the man directly in the eye and said, "Nope" as I strolled off into the darkness. Afterall...like my sister always says, "it's for the kids!"
There they were in the gutter...two shiny pennies (and at this moment I suddenly realized our gutters are made of brick here in DC. Who knew!?). So of course, I jumped into the gutter immediately to pick them up. And once in the gutter (which was actually more enjoyable once I realized they were brick...so fancy!), I realized there were two more pennies! And then...I saw two more...and two more...until I found a total of NINE pennies. Fantastic! I was in heaven.
But then, as I climbed out of the gutter (looking quite impressive, I'm sure with my knit gloves covered in dried leaves and trash), a funny thing happened. The bum on the corner, who I see on that corner at least three days a week, asked me if I had any spare change.
I had an entire monologue in my head that went a little something like this, "You lazy...are you kidding me?! You probably stood on this corner staring right at those pennies for the last two hours and just waited for someone to walk by and pick them up so you could ask if they had any spare change. Seriously!"
But I decided going off on a poor beggar wouldn't be right. And since Christmas is just around the corner, I do want to stay on Santa's 'Nice' list. So, with a pleasant smile, I looked the man directly in the eye and said, "Nope" as I strolled off into the darkness. Afterall...like my sister always says, "it's for the kids!"
Pennies and the Art of Dating
I'm totally kidding here. I'm pretty sure after last night...there is no real art to dating. But finding pennies can really make a bad date seem not so bad at all. Even when you're sharing a margarita with a Joey Buttafuco look-alike...and I speak from experience.
My evening last night started out pretty great. I was off to meet friends for a drink after work . Enroute to the location...I found three pennies. SCORE! I met with my friends (after threatening to put my galoshes to good use by climbing in the fountain to scrouge up all the wish pennies) where we had a buffet of cheese & oysters to accompany a very tasty glass of wine. What could be better?!
We planned to head back to my place for a little Grey's Anatomy & maybe some more wine. But ever the optimist, I mentioned a guy I'd been e-mailing & texting who I'd turned down for a drink because of our girl date. My dear friends refused to let me skip an opportunity to meet what could be the man of my dreams for a silly TV show. Besides...we knew our friend was Tivo-ing it and would surely let us crash his place to watch it. You will let us watch it at your place, won't you Eric? :-)
So we geared up for the rain and headed over to Eastern Market. I found 2 more pennies and a nickel on our way to the bar. DOUBLE SCORE! And then...we met the guy. The words cro-magnon entered my mind as soon as I set eyes on him. Put the toothpick down when you say hello, for God's sake!
What ensued may have been one of the most akward and ridiculous dates of my life (and I've been on quite a few). The saving grace? Well...there were actually two saving graces. First, my dear friends had come along and seriously cushioned the blow when I had to make a quick escape. The second...I found two more pennies on my escape bringing the total findings to 12 cents for the night. Not bad.
If I can't find the man of my dreams on a random Thursday night, Lincoln x 7 and Jefferson x 1 is a pretty damn good substitute. In fact...I'm sadly starting to prefer them to match.com. Do you think there's a market for matching up single penny finders? Let me check my list...hmmm.
Ok, that's probably a bit much. But honestly...some girls would spend the evening lamenting time lost and the lack of chemistry with Mr. Cromagnon Buttafuco. But I'm sitting here, giddy as school girl, while I update my spreadsheet and see the total climb to $46.66. 12 cents closer to...well...something! And maybe whatever it is will be my true love after all!
My evening last night started out pretty great. I was off to meet friends for a drink after work . Enroute to the location...I found three pennies. SCORE! I met with my friends (after threatening to put my galoshes to good use by climbing in the fountain to scrouge up all the wish pennies) where we had a buffet of cheese & oysters to accompany a very tasty glass of wine. What could be better?!
We planned to head back to my place for a little Grey's Anatomy & maybe some more wine. But ever the optimist, I mentioned a guy I'd been e-mailing & texting who I'd turned down for a drink because of our girl date. My dear friends refused to let me skip an opportunity to meet what could be the man of my dreams for a silly TV show. Besides...we knew our friend was Tivo-ing it and would surely let us crash his place to watch it. You will let us watch it at your place, won't you Eric? :-)
So we geared up for the rain and headed over to Eastern Market. I found 2 more pennies and a nickel on our way to the bar. DOUBLE SCORE! And then...we met the guy. The words cro-magnon entered my mind as soon as I set eyes on him. Put the toothpick down when you say hello, for God's sake!
What ensued may have been one of the most akward and ridiculous dates of my life (and I've been on quite a few). The saving grace? Well...there were actually two saving graces. First, my dear friends had come along and seriously cushioned the blow when I had to make a quick escape. The second...I found two more pennies on my escape bringing the total findings to 12 cents for the night. Not bad.
If I can't find the man of my dreams on a random Thursday night, Lincoln x 7 and Jefferson x 1 is a pretty damn good substitute. In fact...I'm sadly starting to prefer them to match.com. Do you think there's a market for matching up single penny finders? Let me check my list...hmmm.
Ok, that's probably a bit much. But honestly...some girls would spend the evening lamenting time lost and the lack of chemistry with Mr. Cromagnon Buttafuco. But I'm sitting here, giddy as school girl, while I update my spreadsheet and see the total climb to $46.66. 12 cents closer to...well...something! And maybe whatever it is will be my true love after all!
Poetry in Motion
Such a muse, the penny. Lincoln's sassy beard. That lovely memorial on the back (aka--"tails"). Pretty copper color (provided the found penny hasn't been trampled by busy feet in the metro or savagely run over by rush-hour traffic). You just never know when finding one will send you into a blitz of creativity.
And if you find something MORE than a penny...well, then you're just driven to poetically taunt your fellow change finders. Which has a way of producing its own breed of creativity. See the lovely string of poems from dedicated friends of the penny...and those who just want to mock my dear old dad!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I fond a dime today,
Did you?
I didn't say it was good poetry.
Thanks for your bit of inspiration today – this has actually prompted me to try my hand at a bit of poetry myself.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Some poems rhyme
But this one doesn’t
Hmmmm . . .I suck at poetry.
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue
If Lincoln were alive
He'd give you a high five.
oh well....I suck too.
And finally...my friend Julia found her first penny for the spreadsheet which inspired an actual poem that makes sense (or cents). Take note, you silly boys (not that I didn't love your poems in their own, special, "short bus" kind of way!).
I found a penny yesterday a-walking home from work.
Sir Lincoln's head was staring up, his tail smushed in the dirt.
His face was scratched up quite a bit but in all he seemed just fine,
for 'spite the cars and boots and grime, that penny kept its shine.
crosswalk of 7th and Maryland Ave, NE.
23 Oct 07
And if you find something MORE than a penny...well, then you're just driven to poetically taunt your fellow change finders. Which has a way of producing its own breed of creativity. See the lovely string of poems from dedicated friends of the penny...and those who just want to mock my dear old dad!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I fond a dime today,
Did you?
I didn't say it was good poetry.
Thanks for your bit of inspiration today – this has actually prompted me to try my hand at a bit of poetry myself.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Some poems rhyme
But this one doesn’t
Hmmmm . . .I suck at poetry.
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue
If Lincoln were alive
He'd give you a high five.
oh well....I suck too.
And finally...my friend Julia found her first penny for the spreadsheet which inspired an actual poem that makes sense (or cents). Take note, you silly boys (not that I didn't love your poems in their own, special, "short bus" kind of way!).
I found a penny yesterday a-walking home from work.
Sir Lincoln's head was staring up, his tail smushed in the dirt.
His face was scratched up quite a bit but in all he seemed just fine,
for 'spite the cars and boots and grime, that penny kept its shine.
crosswalk of 7th and Maryland Ave, NE.
23 Oct 07
Do You, Heads, Take Tails, To Be Your Mate Forever?!
My friend Stephanie was, at one time, a bit of a sceptic about this whole "picking up pennies off the ground" thing. It wasn't her cup of tea, which I understood (especially given some of the crazy situations I've found myself in on the hunt for a few cents). And even if she did find one, she certainly wasn't going to pick it up if it was "tails up." That's just asking for a dose of bad luck!
But the tide turned one day when she went to dinner with her mom (a very beautiful and elegant woman for those of you who have not had the chance to meet her) who put a penny on the table and said, "Give this to Leslie."
A few days later we were in Levante's (our favorite after work Happy Hour spot) when Steph sauntered back from the restroom, placed a penny on the bar and said, "Here...I don't know what you do with these...but I found it on the sink in the restroom." And so began Steph's participation in the Penny Project!
Who knew just a few months later she'd have a dime's worth of pennies on the spreadsheet and a story from her new job about love, balance, and how a penny laying "tails up" might be just perfect!
"You Compete Me" --by Steph G.
I found not ONE but TWO pennies yesterday.
Where you ask?
One was outside (heads up) next to the wedding I was shadowing for work. The ACTUAL wedding (you know, bride, groom, priest, et al).
The other was inside (tails up) at their reception/dinner.
I think it is an omen to find two pennies at a WEDDING, both on different sides up...they complete one another!!! Just like the bride and groom :-) Awww....
But the tide turned one day when she went to dinner with her mom (a very beautiful and elegant woman for those of you who have not had the chance to meet her) who put a penny on the table and said, "Give this to Leslie."
A few days later we were in Levante's (our favorite after work Happy Hour spot) when Steph sauntered back from the restroom, placed a penny on the bar and said, "Here...I don't know what you do with these...but I found it on the sink in the restroom." And so began Steph's participation in the Penny Project!
Who knew just a few months later she'd have a dime's worth of pennies on the spreadsheet and a story from her new job about love, balance, and how a penny laying "tails up" might be just perfect!
"You Compete Me" --by Steph G.
I found not ONE but TWO pennies yesterday.
Where you ask?
One was outside (heads up) next to the wedding I was shadowing for work. The ACTUAL wedding (you know, bride, groom, priest, et al).
The other was inside (tails up) at their reception/dinner.
I think it is an omen to find two pennies at a WEDDING, both on different sides up...they complete one another!!! Just like the bride and groom :-) Awww....
Elizabeth's Epcot Adventure
My friend Elizabeth has been a dedicated penny picker-upper ever since I told her about my little penny project when she visited DC for work this summer! She's gotten friends picking up pennies, her husband stopping by drive-thru windows to see what they can find, and her nieces & nephews working with her when they make family trips to Wal-mart (kids are great for penny finding!).
But I think she hit the mother load when she went on vacation in Orlando. Come to think of it...my friend Illeny found 35 cents when she went to an amusement park earlier this summer. Hmmm. Perhaps we need to stop stressing & just have more fun! Vacation brings pennies! Anyhow, here's Elizabeth's message about her fabulous finds in Orlando:
I have good penny news from Orlando! I found 6 pennies in the Birmingham and Orlando airport on the way to Orlando, 2 dimes in Magic Kingdom, 1 penny in the hotel room, 1 dime and 5 pennies in the Orlando airport on the way home, and drum roll please.... $1 in Epcot!!! It only cost me $2000 to find $1.42!
Only in a world where we truly appreciate the joy of finding a penny...does a $1 bill garner a drum roll! Who knew these things could bring such excitement! Thanks for the great message and serious penny finding skills Elizabeth!!
But I think she hit the mother load when she went on vacation in Orlando. Come to think of it...my friend Illeny found 35 cents when she went to an amusement park earlier this summer. Hmmm. Perhaps we need to stop stressing & just have more fun! Vacation brings pennies! Anyhow, here's Elizabeth's message about her fabulous finds in Orlando:
I have good penny news from Orlando! I found 6 pennies in the Birmingham and Orlando airport on the way to Orlando, 2 dimes in Magic Kingdom, 1 penny in the hotel room, 1 dime and 5 pennies in the Orlando airport on the way home, and drum roll please.... $1 in Epcot!!! It only cost me $2000 to find $1.42!
Only in a world where we truly appreciate the joy of finding a penny...does a $1 bill garner a drum roll! Who knew these things could bring such excitement! Thanks for the great message and serious penny finding skills Elizabeth!!
Even if it's "Heads Up," Better Keep YOUR Head Up!
My poor mom! After a long dry spell in the heat of another Las Vegas summer, she finally found a penny...but oh those stinkin' desert winds!
I thought I better make an official report or I won't get credit for the ONE penny I found last week. It has been a sad time in Las Vegas, everywhere I look NO CHANGE. Finally I eye a copper treasure on the street at a senior housing complex. I have a hand full of mail and I suddenly think about your friend Stephanie who only picks up "heads up." It's been a long dry spell for change finding so I don't want to tempt fate. As I look down, it's up!! Yeah!! I bless Stephanie for bringing this head's up thing to our collective consciousness. I pick up the penny and while still bent over savoring the moment, a gust of wind comes along and blows all my mail away. Stephanie....YOU LIED TO US! I retrieved the mail and still have the penny....put one down in my column for the September financials!
I thought I better make an official report or I won't get credit for the ONE penny I found last week. It has been a sad time in Las Vegas, everywhere I look NO CHANGE. Finally I eye a copper treasure on the street at a senior housing complex. I have a hand full of mail and I suddenly think about your friend Stephanie who only picks up "heads up." It's been a long dry spell for change finding so I don't want to tempt fate. As I look down, it's up!! Yeah!! I bless Stephanie for bringing this head's up thing to our collective consciousness. I pick up the penny and while still bent over savoring the moment, a gust of wind comes along and blows all my mail away. Stephanie....YOU LIED TO US! I retrieved the mail and still have the penny....put one down in my column for the September financials!
Illeny's Notes From the Field...
Occasionally a story about a penny comes a long that is just too ridiculous not to post...this is one such story. So, read on...but only if your "gross out" tollerence is pretty high!
A Story From Illeny:
Hi All,
Until today I couldn't bring myself to tell this story... but here's a delayed report from the field:
It was an overcast day, I was running a few errands at lunch, just a few steps from the cleaners...
I don't know what I saw first, the shinny penny pleading for rescue or the drooling, spilling, oozing inebriate seated (and swaying) above it... I do know what I saw next... all the wet, unknown drippings surrounding that penny of my desire.
The test... could I reach down between the feet of a drunken man, drooling and dripping, near the corner of 18th and I Streets, mid-week at mid-day? (Who gets that wasted so early in the day in downtown DC? a sad testament to his despair, I guess.) NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I just couldn't, eeeeewwwwwwww gross... besides, perhaps is was his penny and he certainly would need it more than I. So I just paused for a split second and kept walking... it just wasn't meant to be.
We all have limits, right?
On the way back to work I passed it again... anyone watching may have thought I was frowning just at the sad sight of the drunken man who'd passed out on the steps behind a penny... the penny I so desperately wanted to rescue, a penny calling out... but sometimes it isn't your place to intervene, life must take its course... Plus, it was still sitting in all that yuckiness! I just couldn't do it.
It's the next day, it's lunch time and I'm running errands again. The sun is bright and the day beautiful, a slight touch of autumn in the air... I'm approaching the spot where, the day before, I'd witnessed the despair of a man... and a penny... I could see the stain on the pavement left from all the unknown fluids, a few leaves and paper were all that remained... hey... is that... could it be... a penny!!!! Yes! I can't believe it's still there, a full 24 hours later on this busy corner!!!! It WAS meant to be after all. I still couldn't bring myself to pick it up with my bare hand and over a week later, it's still wrapped in the paper I picked it up with.
Leslie, come and get this special penny. I believe that might tie things up between Michele and I. I've a feeling I may regain my lead this weekend :) ...
A Story From Illeny:
Hi All,
Until today I couldn't bring myself to tell this story... but here's a delayed report from the field:
It was an overcast day, I was running a few errands at lunch, just a few steps from the cleaners...
I don't know what I saw first, the shinny penny pleading for rescue or the drooling, spilling, oozing inebriate seated (and swaying) above it... I do know what I saw next... all the wet, unknown drippings surrounding that penny of my desire.
The test... could I reach down between the feet of a drunken man, drooling and dripping, near the corner of 18th and I Streets, mid-week at mid-day? (Who gets that wasted so early in the day in downtown DC? a sad testament to his despair, I guess.) NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I just couldn't, eeeeewwwwwwww gross... besides, perhaps is was his penny and he certainly would need it more than I. So I just paused for a split second and kept walking... it just wasn't meant to be.
We all have limits, right?
On the way back to work I passed it again... anyone watching may have thought I was frowning just at the sad sight of the drunken man who'd passed out on the steps behind a penny... the penny I so desperately wanted to rescue, a penny calling out... but sometimes it isn't your place to intervene, life must take its course... Plus, it was still sitting in all that yuckiness! I just couldn't do it.
It's the next day, it's lunch time and I'm running errands again. The sun is bright and the day beautiful, a slight touch of autumn in the air... I'm approaching the spot where, the day before, I'd witnessed the despair of a man... and a penny... I could see the stain on the pavement left from all the unknown fluids, a few leaves and paper were all that remained... hey... is that... could it be... a penny!!!! Yes! I can't believe it's still there, a full 24 hours later on this busy corner!!!! It WAS meant to be after all. I still couldn't bring myself to pick it up with my bare hand and over a week later, it's still wrapped in the paper I picked it up with.
Leslie, come and get this special penny. I believe that might tie things up between Michele and I. I've a feeling I may regain my lead this weekend :) ...
Metro Bus Belly Crawl
I can't decide if I've hit an all time low or just expanded my penny-picking-up horizons. Today I actually got down on all fours for the sake of one lonely penny under a bus seat.
Now, it's not as if I haven't gotten on all fours to scrounge up a penny before (see the previous post about digging one out of the asphalt in a cross-walk) but this time I actully had to say, "pardon me, excuse me..." as I proceeded to force two poor bus passengers to move aside a bit so I could gain access to the penny.
Again...it's not like I haven't made an ass of myself for a penny before (it really is a shame this blog didn't exist when I had the altercation w/ the street vendor or when I nearly upended myself over a metro station railing to reach a penny about ready to fall through a grate). But usually I don't inconvenience paying bus riders for a sole penny (a dime, yes...but not one lonely penny).
But today...I was a bit desperate. It was almost 6pm and I hadn't found a single cent. I needed to find one so I wouldn't have a goose egg on the scoreboard! And so, much to the chagrin of the passengers on the 52 line, I dove under the seat just before reaching my stop to grab that penny.
And that's my two cents...er...ONE CENT...for the day!
Now, it's not as if I haven't gotten on all fours to scrounge up a penny before (see the previous post about digging one out of the asphalt in a cross-walk) but this time I actully had to say, "pardon me, excuse me..." as I proceeded to force two poor bus passengers to move aside a bit so I could gain access to the penny.
Again...it's not like I haven't made an ass of myself for a penny before (it really is a shame this blog didn't exist when I had the altercation w/ the street vendor or when I nearly upended myself over a metro station railing to reach a penny about ready to fall through a grate). But usually I don't inconvenience paying bus riders for a sole penny (a dime, yes...but not one lonely penny).
But today...I was a bit desperate. It was almost 6pm and I hadn't found a single cent. I needed to find one so I wouldn't have a goose egg on the scoreboard! And so, much to the chagrin of the passengers on the 52 line, I dove under the seat just before reaching my stop to grab that penny.
And that's my two cents...er...ONE CENT...for the day!
Tar & Tenacity
For some reason...one nickel and seven pennies weren't enough. I HAD to dig out that penny in the crosswalk at 14th & U Street NW...I had to.
I didn't initially think I was going to do it (there were only a few seconds left on cross-walk-o-meter before the light changed). I walked past the penny thinking, "Someday I'll be back for you!" But for some reason...today was the day!
I waited for the light to turn green again...and then I had free run of the cross-walk for 44 seconds (thank God for the little blinking green man w/ the timer!). So I fished my keys out the side pocket of my purse and commenced trying to loosen Lincoln from the asphalt. This sucker was in deep! A few people walked by and looked at me funny (I saw these looks because I'm a multi-takser...I can dig for penny AND watch to see if I am about to get hauled away in a straight jacket for attempting to free a single penny as if it were a bloody fortune). One guy asked me what the hell I was doing to which I just replied, "It's a long story."
This thing wasn't budging. I looked up at the timer...26 seconds left. Plenty of time...no need to panic. But I was going to have to use a little more muscle (or a bigger key...I'd chosen the mail key, which although tiny in size, has a pretty impressive point on the end). So I took another stab at it (literally). I dug in as hard as I could an then all of a sudden...BLOOP...out it came. 21 seconds left to spare.
I looked both ways (I'm not sure why since I'd essentially been playing in traffic for the last 23 seconds without any concern for my safety) and made a dash to the sidewalk. It was my 13th cent for the day...hmmm.
A few minutes later I was home placing this tar covered penny in the "special stack" with his chewed up, oxidized, dirt covered penny-brothers. Some day I think I'll frame the worst of the worst (some of which are barely identifiable as pennies). If that won't be a conversation-starter...I don't know what will be!
I didn't initially think I was going to do it (there were only a few seconds left on cross-walk-o-meter before the light changed). I walked past the penny thinking, "Someday I'll be back for you!" But for some reason...today was the day!
I waited for the light to turn green again...and then I had free run of the cross-walk for 44 seconds (thank God for the little blinking green man w/ the timer!). So I fished my keys out the side pocket of my purse and commenced trying to loosen Lincoln from the asphalt. This sucker was in deep! A few people walked by and looked at me funny (I saw these looks because I'm a multi-takser...I can dig for penny AND watch to see if I am about to get hauled away in a straight jacket for attempting to free a single penny as if it were a bloody fortune). One guy asked me what the hell I was doing to which I just replied, "It's a long story."
This thing wasn't budging. I looked up at the timer...26 seconds left. Plenty of time...no need to panic. But I was going to have to use a little more muscle (or a bigger key...I'd chosen the mail key, which although tiny in size, has a pretty impressive point on the end). So I took another stab at it (literally). I dug in as hard as I could an then all of a sudden...BLOOP...out it came. 21 seconds left to spare.
I looked both ways (I'm not sure why since I'd essentially been playing in traffic for the last 23 seconds without any concern for my safety) and made a dash to the sidewalk. It was my 13th cent for the day...hmmm.
A few minutes later I was home placing this tar covered penny in the "special stack" with his chewed up, oxidized, dirt covered penny-brothers. Some day I think I'll frame the worst of the worst (some of which are barely identifiable as pennies). If that won't be a conversation-starter...I don't know what will be!
Letter from a Lonely Penny
Some pennies aren't just found...they aparently have a story to tell! The following is a letter I received from Adam when he gave me his first found penny. Poor, poor little penny!
I wanted to tell you my story and thank you for rescuing me from a life of destruction and despair.
I am a penny. My life has been filled with ups and mostly downs. I was born in the Philadelphia mint, having never met my parents. I was quickly bundled with 49 fellow orphan pennies and shipped to a Bank of America in Miami, Florida. The first six month of my life were glorious; I spent approximately 150 days travelling the hot spots of South Beach. Some of the highlights included changing hands during the purchase of: 16 ice cream cones, 2 thong bikinis, 27 tequila shots, and 14 beers.
Then came October 17, 2002, a day that changed my life forever, and not in a good way. I fell out of the pocket of a pair of board shorts, spending the next three years and twelve days buried in the sand. When I was finally “rescued,” it was by a homeless drug addict. I spent the next year of my life helping to stir heroin as it was being boiled on small squares of tin foil. I can assure you that scars go much deeper than the physical imperfections you see.
November 2006, my “owner” was recruited as a drug mule and given $300 to ride a bus to New York City while carrying a duffle bag full of marijuana. During a 2:00 AM rest stop at the Greyhound bus station in Washington, DC, I thought things would improve when I was accidentally dropped in the parking lot. No such luck, I was picked up by Tonya, a twenty-four year old street walker who was trolling the bus station for johns. Tonya had just earned $25 doing bad things for 30 minutes behind a dumpster. Apparently stumbling across me solidified her good day and made me her “Lucky Penny.”
I fully admit that all pennies are born with the dream of being a Lucky Penny. But they never tell you at the Mint that you might be a Lucky Penny for a two tooth missing, seventh grade finishing, street walking whore named Tonya. But, I digress.
As Tonya’s Lucky Penny, I have witnessed depravity and hardships no penny should have to see. It is far easier to count the mornings I did not cry myself to sleep, Tonya worked at night, than the morning where sleep came easy. I will not lie, I thought about ending it all and drowning myself in a sewer many times. And yes, much of my physical wear and tear is from lying down in a parking lot, hoping a car would put me out of my misery. Alas, it was only days ago that relief finally came. Tonya had just finished a $40 depravity that I will not sicken you with here. When she exited the back of the beat up 1998 Pontiac Grand AM, I fell free, and my journey to redemption began. It was only three days in the alley before I was found by my savior Adam.
Adam has cleaned me up and given me a stable home. The four days in his care have been amazing. I will never forget the hardships, but I have been reminded of the good that also exists in the world. I am so excited and ready to do something positive with my life, helping your cause in any way I can.
Thank you,
One Lonely Penny
I wanted to tell you my story and thank you for rescuing me from a life of destruction and despair.
I am a penny. My life has been filled with ups and mostly downs. I was born in the Philadelphia mint, having never met my parents. I was quickly bundled with 49 fellow orphan pennies and shipped to a Bank of America in Miami, Florida. The first six month of my life were glorious; I spent approximately 150 days travelling the hot spots of South Beach. Some of the highlights included changing hands during the purchase of: 16 ice cream cones, 2 thong bikinis, 27 tequila shots, and 14 beers.
Then came October 17, 2002, a day that changed my life forever, and not in a good way. I fell out of the pocket of a pair of board shorts, spending the next three years and twelve days buried in the sand. When I was finally “rescued,” it was by a homeless drug addict. I spent the next year of my life helping to stir heroin as it was being boiled on small squares of tin foil. I can assure you that scars go much deeper than the physical imperfections you see.
November 2006, my “owner” was recruited as a drug mule and given $300 to ride a bus to New York City while carrying a duffle bag full of marijuana. During a 2:00 AM rest stop at the Greyhound bus station in Washington, DC, I thought things would improve when I was accidentally dropped in the parking lot. No such luck, I was picked up by Tonya, a twenty-four year old street walker who was trolling the bus station for johns. Tonya had just earned $25 doing bad things for 30 minutes behind a dumpster. Apparently stumbling across me solidified her good day and made me her “Lucky Penny.”
I fully admit that all pennies are born with the dream of being a Lucky Penny. But they never tell you at the Mint that you might be a Lucky Penny for a two tooth missing, seventh grade finishing, street walking whore named Tonya. But, I digress.
As Tonya’s Lucky Penny, I have witnessed depravity and hardships no penny should have to see. It is far easier to count the mornings I did not cry myself to sleep, Tonya worked at night, than the morning where sleep came easy. I will not lie, I thought about ending it all and drowning myself in a sewer many times. And yes, much of my physical wear and tear is from lying down in a parking lot, hoping a car would put me out of my misery. Alas, it was only days ago that relief finally came. Tonya had just finished a $40 depravity that I will not sicken you with here. When she exited the back of the beat up 1998 Pontiac Grand AM, I fell free, and my journey to redemption began. It was only three days in the alley before I was found by my savior Adam.
Adam has cleaned me up and given me a stable home. The four days in his care have been amazing. I will never forget the hardships, but I have been reminded of the good that also exists in the world. I am so excited and ready to do something positive with my life, helping your cause in any way I can.
Thank you,
One Lonely Penny
History of the Penny Project
On December 29, 2006 while walking home from work, I found a $20 bill in the crosswalk. Obviously excited about this little discovery, I also wondered if we as Americans had come to value money so little that we were just dropping $20’s in the street without noticing. My walk home is quite lengthy, so I thought about America’s relationship with money and decided to do a little social experiment.
I decided to see how much money I could find on the ground in one calendar year by picking up all the pennies, nickels, and other stray change one occasionally sees on the street. Sort of a quirky New Year’s resolution! And maybe I’d even end up with enough money to do something fun at the end of the year!
I thought it would be much more interesting to keep track of the money I found on a spreadsheet rather than just throwing it in a jar (yes, it’s true…I’m a nerd at heart!). This would allow me to see what days were good for finding money, if one season was better than another, and any number of other random facts I could ascertain by studying the spreadsheet!
I never intended to collect money from anyone else…but one day I was going to lunch with my friend Illeny and got very excited about finding a penny en route to the restaurant. I told her about my spreadsheet and that I’d already found several dollars in change just walking back & forth to work. She thought this was funny and decided to play along! So a new column was born on the spreadsheet.
Since I have no shame about picking up pennies wherever I am, a few other friends soon found out about my experiment and although they mocked the idea of a spreadsheet, once they saw it…they wanted in too! One friend even forwarded the spreadsheet to her finance department and asked why they weren’t this organized?! They were intrigued and decided to weigh in by predicting the influx of tourists would cause a spike in found money over the summer months!
Pretty soon I had friends and family all over the country searching for pennies and sharing their stories (and their pennies) with me! Some people were inspired to write poetry about their pennies, others sent pictures when they found pennies in odd places. Eventually all of these stories found a home on a blog called “The Pretty Penny” for everyone to enjoy! It was obvious…people really liked finding pennies and putting them together for a bigger cause!
And so, “The Penny Project” was born with the goal of taking found money abandoned on the street and turning it into something great! To date we’ve raised over $112 (which isn’t too shabby considering most of our “donations” come from gutters and Metro bus floors). We’re working to grow our reserve fund so we can begin using the money to teach kids about financial literacy and charitable giving.
If you’re interested in more information or want to know how you can donate, e-mail us at the_pretty_penny@yahoo.com.
I decided to see how much money I could find on the ground in one calendar year by picking up all the pennies, nickels, and other stray change one occasionally sees on the street. Sort of a quirky New Year’s resolution! And maybe I’d even end up with enough money to do something fun at the end of the year!
I thought it would be much more interesting to keep track of the money I found on a spreadsheet rather than just throwing it in a jar (yes, it’s true…I’m a nerd at heart!). This would allow me to see what days were good for finding money, if one season was better than another, and any number of other random facts I could ascertain by studying the spreadsheet!
I never intended to collect money from anyone else…but one day I was going to lunch with my friend Illeny and got very excited about finding a penny en route to the restaurant. I told her about my spreadsheet and that I’d already found several dollars in change just walking back & forth to work. She thought this was funny and decided to play along! So a new column was born on the spreadsheet.
Since I have no shame about picking up pennies wherever I am, a few other friends soon found out about my experiment and although they mocked the idea of a spreadsheet, once they saw it…they wanted in too! One friend even forwarded the spreadsheet to her finance department and asked why they weren’t this organized?! They were intrigued and decided to weigh in by predicting the influx of tourists would cause a spike in found money over the summer months!
Pretty soon I had friends and family all over the country searching for pennies and sharing their stories (and their pennies) with me! Some people were inspired to write poetry about their pennies, others sent pictures when they found pennies in odd places. Eventually all of these stories found a home on a blog called “The Pretty Penny” for everyone to enjoy! It was obvious…people really liked finding pennies and putting them together for a bigger cause!
And so, “The Penny Project” was born with the goal of taking found money abandoned on the street and turning it into something great! To date we’ve raised over $112 (which isn’t too shabby considering most of our “donations” come from gutters and Metro bus floors). We’re working to grow our reserve fund so we can begin using the money to teach kids about financial literacy and charitable giving.
If you’re interested in more information or want to know how you can donate, e-mail us at the_pretty_penny@yahoo.com.
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Penny Protocal
1. Pennies & other change must be discovered outside your home &/or other areas where YOUR money hangs around. It's about found money, people...not money you just forgot you had!
2. Taking pennies from other people's homes (or vehicles) constitutes stealing...don't do it!
3. Tip jars are strictly off limits.
4. Foreign curency cannot be accepted. If you find a Canadian quarter and can somehow convince your Canadian friend to buy the quarter from you at the correct exhange rate in American dollars...then bring it on!
2. Taking pennies from other people's homes (or vehicles) constitutes stealing...don't do it!
3. Tip jars are strictly off limits.
4. Foreign curency cannot be accepted. If you find a Canadian quarter and can somehow convince your Canadian friend to buy the quarter from you at the correct exhange rate in American dollars...then bring it on!
The Penny Wall

A place to honor pennies (large & small) and what they add up to be!
The Spreadsheet...Who just throws money in a jar?!