Pennies and the Art of Dating

I'm totally kidding here. I'm pretty sure after last night...there is no real art to dating. But finding pennies can really make a bad date seem not so bad at all. Even when you're sharing a margarita with a Joey Buttafuco look-alike...and I speak from experience.

My evening last night started out pretty great. I was off to meet friends for a drink after work . Enroute to the location...I found three pennies. SCORE! I met with my friends (after threatening to put my galoshes to good use by climbing in the fountain to scrouge up all the wish pennies) where we had a buffet of cheese & oysters to accompany a very tasty glass of wine. What could be better?!

We planned to head back to my place for a little Grey's Anatomy & maybe some more wine. But ever the optimist, I mentioned a guy I'd been e-mailing & texting who I'd turned down for a drink because of our girl date. My dear friends refused to let me skip an opportunity to meet what could be the man of my dreams for a silly TV show. Besides...we knew our friend was Tivo-ing it and would surely let us crash his place to watch it. You will let us watch it at your place, won't you Eric? :-)

So we geared up for the rain and headed over to Eastern Market. I found 2 more pennies and a nickel on our way to the bar. DOUBLE SCORE! And then...we met the guy. The words cro-magnon entered my mind as soon as I set eyes on him. Put the toothpick down when you say hello, for God's sake!

What ensued may have been one of the most akward and ridiculous dates of my life (and I've been on quite a few). The saving grace? Well...there were actually two saving graces. First, my dear friends had come along and seriously cushioned the blow when I had to make a quick escape. The second...I found two more pennies on my escape bringing the total findings to 12 cents for the night. Not bad.

If I can't find the man of my dreams on a random Thursday night, Lincoln x 7 and Jefferson x 1 is a pretty damn good substitute. In fact...I'm sadly starting to prefer them to Do you think there's a market for matching up single penny finders? Let me check my list...hmmm.

Ok, that's probably a bit much. But honestly...some girls would spend the evening lamenting time lost and the lack of chemistry with Mr. Cromagnon Buttafuco. But I'm sitting here, giddy as school girl, while I update my spreadsheet and see the total climb to $46.66. 12 cents closer to...well...something! And maybe whatever it is will be my true love after all!


  1. Leslie, I will follow you on any date that needs back-up. What are girfriends for after all? And, um E, watching the Grey's Tivo this weekend at your place ok?

  2. Well I'm glad that on a FRIDAY night you went to Arlington Drafthouse, 'cause that was hilarious!


  3. Leslie, It was nice to meet you and thanks for going up on stage. You made my first trip there very memorable. Good luck on the penny search!


Penny Protocal

1. Pennies & other change must be discovered outside your home &/or other areas where YOUR money hangs around. It's about found money, people...not money you just forgot you had!

2. Taking pennies from other people's homes (or vehicles) constitutes stealing...don't do it!

3. Tip jars are strictly off limits.

4. Foreign curency cannot be accepted. If you find a Canadian quarter and can somehow convince your Canadian friend to buy the quarter from you at the correct exhange rate in American dollars...then bring it on!

The Penny Wall

The Penny Wall
A place to honor pennies (large & small) and what they add up to be!

The Spreadsheet...Who just throws money in a jar?!

The Spreadsheet...Who just throws money in a jar?!