I have the best friends in the world. Really! In July, not only did I get to be a bridesmaid in my friend Misty's wedding...but she ended up finding all sorts of money for The Penny Project! A dime at the rehearsal dinner. A dollar in the bar we hit post-reception (see the bull-riding pics of Misty in her wedding dress...best bull ride ever!). AND...she texted me from her cruise ship letting me know she'd already found 26 cents so far on the honeymoon.
But what does it all mean?
Clearly, these were all pennies from heaven! Not only did the universe smile on me giving me one of the most fun bridal party experiences on record...but it smiled on Misty & David with signs every day that they belong together. If $1.36 doesn't tell you that...I don't know what does!
I wish you both a life of happiness. And pennies of course! :-)